The Business of Pharmacy™

Guest FAQs


1. 🔗 How can I join The Business of Pharmacy Podcast™ as a guest?

Participation is by invitation, ensuring our topics remain relevant and engaging. If you're interested or know someone who'd be a perfect fit, please use our Suggest a Guest form to get in touch.

2. 💼 What should I expect in terms of participation fees or compensation?

Our podcast is a platform for sharing knowledge freely. Thus, there are no fees for appearing nor do we offer payment for participation. It's all about enriching our listeners' understanding of the pharmacy industry.

3. 📅 How do I schedule my podcast appearance?

After receiving your invitation, please schedule your recording session through the Calendly link we provide. Be aware that we typically schedule recordings about two months in advance. Therefore, the earliest dates you find available on Calendly represent our first available slots.

4. 🔄 What is the process for rescheduling my podcast appearance?

If you need to reschedule or cancel your podcast recording, please utilize the links found in your calendar invitation. This ensures that the change is seamlessly integrated into our schedule. For any issues not resolved through this link, please contact Mike directly at

5. 🗣️ Do we meet beforehand, or is there a list of questions or a general outline for the conversation?

No, we do not meet beforehand, and there’s no list of questions or outline provided, as Mike never uses one during the conversation. Our discussions are unscripted and conversational, which helps keep things natural and engaging. While we may not cover every topic you expect, this approach ensures a more authentic flow. During the editing process, care is taken to keep the conversation interesting for the listener and to ensure the guest is always presented in a positive light.

6. 📝 Can I review the recording before it's released?

We do not offer a pre-release audio review. However, within three days post-recording, you can request a transcript of your contributions. Please note that the transcript will include only your responses, not the host’s side of the conversation. This allows you to review your remarks and ensure they accurately reflect what you wish to convey, without altering the overall structure and content of the show. Maintaining this structure helps us preserve the creative integrity and authenticity of each episode.

If any of your comments raise concerns or you believe something you said may reflect negatively on you or your business, please let us know. We can remove your contribution and the related part of the conversation if necessary.

We encourage avoiding over-editing, as the success of the show relies on authentic, engaging conversations. Our aim is always to present you in the best light, and this step serves as a safeguard. While most guests don’t request the transcript, we offer it for those who prefer a final review of their contributions.

7. 🎤 What if I need to discuss something off-record during the show?

During our recording sessions, open and fluid communication is key. We engage in off-record discussions throughout, allowing for real-time adjustments and redirections as needed. With extensive editing capabilities, you don’t have to worry about mistakes or pauses—we can easily fix them. If at any point you wish to pause, revisit a topic, or express concerns about the direction of our conversation, feel free to speak up. We strive for deep, emotional discussions that encompass both your successes and challenges, ensuring you are portrayed positively.

8. 📋 How will I be introduced on the podcast?

At the beginning of the show, Mike will ask you to introduce yourself. This introduction should be 30 seconds or less and should include your name, title, and company. Additionally, provide a brief description of your company, especially if its purpose or mission isn't immediately clear. This ensures our listeners understand who you are and what your company does right from the start.

9. 🗨️ How can I give the best responses during the podcast?

Remember, this is a conversation, not an ad or a presentation. Keep your responses concise and engaging by answering questions directly and including relevant details without over-explaining. Conversations are most engaging when they flow naturally, and listeners prefer hearing a dynamic exchange over lengthy monologues. Avoid run-on responses by focusing on key points and pausing briefly to gather your thoughts. During our video recording, Mike might raise a pen to signal that it's time to wrap up your response, ensuring the conversation flows smoothly without cutting anyone off abruptly.

10. 🔄 As a guest, may I ask questions of the host as part of the show?

Absolutely! This is a conversation, and we encourage you to ask questions. If there's a topic or question that we later decide isn't a good fit, we'll simply edit it out. So feel free to engage and make the conversation dynamic!

11. 🎧 What if there are multiple guests participating in the same episode?

For episodes featuring multiple guests, each participant should connect from a separate location to ensure clear audio quality and to avoid any feedback issues. You can be as close as the next room or as far away as across the country, but it is important that you are not in the same room. This setup allows us to maintain the integrity of the audio tracks for each speaker and ensures that all voices are heard clearly without interference.

12. 🌐 How do I connect for the recording session?

A unique link for the recording session will be added directly to the calendar entry in your general calendar system (such as Google Calendar, Outlook, or Apple Calendar). This update will automatically sync to your calendar, ensuring you have the necessary details well in advance of the session. Please check the event details in your calendar closer to the session date.

If you are joining as a listener, you can use the same link. After joining, simply turn off your camera and mute your microphone to listen only.

Important: We advise all our guests and listeners to check their audio setup as soon as possible, ideally well before the recording day. While a minimum of 15 minutes prior to your session is required, you're welcome to conduct this check days or weeks in advance. This ensures any technical issues can be resolved early, making for a smooth experience. If you’re having trouble finding the link or face any technical challenges, please revisit your calendar entry for updates or contact us at for assistance.

13. 🎥 Why do you use video during recording sessions if the podcast is audio-only?

We incorporate video during the recording sessions to enhance interactions between participants. This visual engagement enriches the conversation by allowing participants to respond to visual cues. Because we don't actually record the video, there's no need to worry about your attire or background.

14. 🎧 Do I really need headphones?

Yes, headphones are mandatory for our recording session. Additionally, while an external microphone offers better sound quality, the built-in computer mic is acceptable. Please use a desktop or laptop (no Chromebooks) in a quiet, echo-free setting.

Don’t worry about occasional noises like sneezing or dog barks; we record on separate tracks, which allows us to easily edit these out. If any noises occur on your end while you are speaking, we can simply re-record your response.

15. ⏳ How long is the recording?

Each recording session lasts 90 minutes. It's Mike's job to ensure the conversation stays engaging and flowing smoothly, so guests can focus on the discussion without concern.

16. 📅 When will my episode be released?

You can locate tentative release dates in the footer link Tentative Schedule. Occasionally, the publishing dates may change to insert newsworthy episodes or align with upcoming events, which can sometimes result in episodes being rescheduled. We will send you an email when your episode is released, and you will be subscribed to and included in our monthly newsletter featuring other episodes from that month. You can easily unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time.

17. 📣 How can I share my episode?

After your episode is published, we encourage you to share your episode with your network. Sharing your episode helps us reach a wider audience and ensures that your insights and experiences are heard by more people. Should you wish to download the episode audio for clip creation or other uses post-publication, simply contact Mike at for a direct download link.

18. ❓ Whom do I contact for more information or assistance?

For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact Mike at